Meet The Team
True Talents
Customer Service Representative
Scout, also known as Scouty or Scouty Boy, has been with us for three years. He likes to stay as close to the business as possible, and always has an ear for customers and their needs. He loves to perform tricks in his spare time and loves playing with his work family.
Creative Director
London has been with the company the longest, a little over 3 years. His goofy, lovable personality makes him perfect for creative director. He loves spending time sleeping or getting his butt scratched, but also enjoys jumping on counters for an afternoon snack.
Off-Site Representative
Paisely, also known as Paisley Bear or P-Bear, has been with the company for three years. He began training as an on-site representative, but owners, Ryan and Kristine, realized he was more suited for the off-site kind of life. He is known for his melt-your-heart belly rubs and his unique large eyes when food is around. While you may not see much of Paisley, you can guarantee that Paisley plays a big part in this work family.
Bailey is the newest addition to the company. She adds great warmth and energy to other around her, especially with her famous "sprint and jump" on to sitting/partially sleeping humans. Ryan and Kristine Hughes, the owners of Bailey, enjoy her spasmatic energy and her constant snuggles. We look forward to seeing great things from Bailey.
Truck is the oldest member of the team. He enjoys sleeping all day, and keeping a listening ear on the business.